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Why should I split the MDB in the first place?

1) You can't make changes to the MDB while others are using it in Access 2000 and newer.   If you have your own copy of the MDB in which you work you can't copy it over the one being shared by the users until they're all out of the MDB.  And even in Access 97 this was prone to corruptions.

2) "'formsname' has been changed since the last time you opened it, either by another user or because another instance of it was opened on your machine". Your only options are to save the form and discard the other forms changes or save it under a different name. Some users get very confused and anxious when they see this message.

Sometimes Access thinks the form has been changed due to users changing the same forms filters, your code behind the form changing the form's record source.  I've seen some other oddities for which I can't recall any details but I never bothered to figure out much.

3) ACC2000: "Record Is Deleted" Error Message Opening Table/Query mentions the following in conjunction with "a multi-user Access 2000 database that is stored on a network"
    - Record is deleted.
    - Msaccess can't open the table in datasheet view.
    - Unable to carry out the command.
    - There was an error executing the command.

4) Corruption.  Sharing the forms and reports among multiple users in Access 2000 and newer has a significantly increased chance of corruption to the front end.

5) ADP/ADEs have their own unique problems.   See ACC2000: "The Database Will Be Opened Read-Only" Error Message When Users Try to Open a Project or Extension File in a Multiuser Environment - 322762 and ACC2002: "The Database Will Be Opened Read-Only" Error Message When Users Try to Open a Project or Extension File in a Multiuser Environment - 318868


Give each user their own copy of the front end (FE) MDB/MDE/ADP/ADE/ACCDB/ACCDE containing the queries, forms, reports, macros and modules.  See Splitting your Microsoft Access MDB into a front end and back end for more info.

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