Frequently Asked
Questions 2
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Frequently Asked
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Q: I would like the application to use an alternate .mdw file when
I've placed the /wrkgrp command switch in the CommandLine section, but for some
reason it's not picking the command line up at all.
A: Recent
updates to the
logic should
have fixed this
unless you are
using the Start
Method=Low Macro
For Low Macro
Security only due to how
Windows works I
have no way of
passing a
command line to
Why are there
two shortcuts
being created on
the users
A: You've
specified both
the Desktop
Shortcut and the
Common Desktop
Remove the
Common Desktop
Shortcut option
as it no longer
works in Windows
Vista and newer.
Microsoft have
updates to the
common folders
to be by
Q: The workstations are frequently used by multiple users. I don't want
other users' to be able to see this application or have it be accidentally
deleted when the workstation is imaged.
A: The FE should be installed in the users Application Data directory on the
workstation. In the Target screen use the %appdata% environment
Q: I have to do some preprocessing in VBScript and then have
different FEs on different servers called depending on where the computer is
located in the WAN.
A: Create a configuration file with the appropriate settings for each of the servers
along with StartMDB.exe. Once you've determined the local server then call
StartMDB.exe using command line parameters such as
"\\server1\share1\StartMDB\StartMDB.exe" /cmd
/inifile"\\server1\share1\Auto FE Updater\<name of configuration file>.ini"
Q: I'd like to add comment lines to the AutoFEUpdater.INI file to
annotate which computer name belongs to whom.
1) The only work station names in the AutoFEUpdater.INI file should be those of
the developers as these entries give those workstation users the AutoFEUpdater
GUI to work with the INI files
2) You can't do it on the individual lines Master1-3 as INI files don't work
that way without extra logic on my part. However you can add additional
lines in the INI file as you wish. These will be ignored by the Auto FE
Q: Is there any way to insert a command into the Auto FE Updater .ini
file to tell it to run either a batch file or .exe file before it does anything
Yes, although you can only start a .bat, .cmd or exe file. You can't
then start an MDB/MDE running using the Auto FE Updater. The bat, cmd or
exe file will then have to start the MDB/MDE/etc You can use the
Executable Start Method option.
Q: I'm moving the files from one server to another server.
How do I easily use the Auto FE Updater to get the users to use the FE from a
folder on the new server?
Q: I want to move the BE MDB to a different folder on the same server.
There are two parts to this. One is to replace the FE MDE so it's
linked to the new server folder and folder structure and the other to change the
target of the shortcut to use the new Auto FE Updater INI file.
On the day of the switchover delete/rename the BE MDB file from the old server
so just in case something gets missed they can't work with the old MDB file.
You're moving it to a new server anyhow so don't leave it easily available on
the old server.
Copy the new FE MDE which is linked to the new BE server and folder to the FE
path on the old server. This way when the users run the old shortcut for the
first time they will get switched over to the new FE MDE.
Update the AutoFEUpdater INI file on the old server to be the same as the INI
file on the new server. When the users run the new INI for the first time they
will get a warning message saying the shortcut on their system is different. Use
the Shortcut Error Message Handling option set to "Correct problem with no
message to user" on the configuration file on the old server to ignore that
message so the shortcut gets updated transparently to the user.
Use the New INI Path And File entry in the old
INI file. This line is only used
when moving servers or such as this will rewrite
the path and name of the StartMDB exe and INI
file in the target of the shortcut.
This can all be tested ahead of time.
Q: Why
does using the
Auto FE Updater
strip the menu
bar from the
Access program
the users see?
And what about
the right click
menus while in
A: That's caused
by the runtime
switch present
in the
Command Line
entry in the sample
INI files
published with versions prior to 2.0. Remove
that line from
the INI file.
If you are
distributing a
runtime you must
create your own
menu bar.
Distributing the
file in this
fashion is
slightly more
secure thus I've
chosen this as
being the
default in the
Alternatives to the Auto FE Updater